Tuesday, September 8, 2015


Every now and then, I meet people who tell me how special it is what I am doing… How much they admire me and how amazing it is how I deal with all the issues as no light, no water, no internet etc.
I never really know what to say in these cases. I understand that to some people my life seems exotic and exciting. Or tough and crazy. At the same time, it is also daily business for me. Being without electricity is a normal thing here. We have no other choice than accepting it.
At the same time, I am always aware that this is my choice. I choose to be here. If I want to leave, I can always go. If there is a security issue, or a big health problem, I can always go. My friends don’t have that option. That already makes it easier for me, I know that once I can really not stand it anymore, I have the possibility to leave it behind and go.

But, what many people don’t seem to realize is that I am doing here what I always wanted to do. Of course, it is annoying to be without water or light. But there are so many positive sides of being here. I meet so many inspiring people, so many nice people. I see so many challenges, but also so many successes.
Sometimes I am travelling to a school and I just think; wow, I am REALLY here, I am REALLY doing this. This is REALLY Africa! I am no longer working to save a building, I am now working to support children to create a better future for themselves.
Who am I that I get so many opportunities and get the chance to live my dreams? I am just a girl from a little village in a tiny country. Why am I able to do all of this? I don’t have the illusion that I will save the world. But I am so grateful that my colleagues and I can bring some drops to the ocean and make a change for a few people.

As a little girl from a little village, I can now help new little girls from new little villages. Is that not reason enough to be grateful and accept some days without light or water?

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