Monday, September 24, 2012

Preparing to Volunteer

This weekend I had my first VSO course. We got quite some information, but we mainly exchanged ideas, experiences, knowledge, we discussed dilemmas we will most likely face and played some games and learned how difficult your role as a volunteer can be. In short, we were Preparing 2 Volunteer!

The weekend made me even more excited about the VSO adventure I will hopefully start in a few months. I am very happy that I chose for VSO and not for another NGO. VSO is special because it does not simply hand out money. It sends people to share their skills and knowledge. And the good thing about this is, that volunteers will really share skills, teach the people so they can develop themselves and their communities.

But, it will not only be nice and easy. During this weekend, we got really prepared for the difficulties we will face. We saw movies of people who got infected with HIV during their placement, movies of people who could not at all communicate with the people in their area, people who ended up teaching English instead of doing the job they accepted. We discussed how to deal with people who don’t really want a change, eventhough you as a volunteer think it will be an improvement. I think it is very good we get prepared for this. But I am happy that the weekend ended with this happy movie, and I hope that I will also look back at my VSO experience like this!


1 comment:

  1. Hi Esly, this looks already great. It's a good start. We'll cross our fingers that they'll find a great project ASAP.
